I have
listened to a lot of radio since the election.
I’ve read a lot of articles online and heard all sorts of opinions
too. It helps to have perspective. Sometimes, it even helps to have a little
knowledge when forming an opinion. I
also have the rare but welcome inspiration that allows me to propose the
occasional hypothesis.
I was
reading about strategic mistakes made by the DFL Party during this past
election cycle. One of the proposed
errors caught my eye because it was a comparison between the two candidates’
core message. On one side, it was “Make
America Great Again”. The DFL proposed a
series of ideas regarding jobs creation, education, and getting more people
into the middle class. The proposal
centered loosely around the idea that the DFL would build “an economy that
works for everyone, not just those at the top.”
Yes, the
most outstanding problem is that the message was way too complicated. It’s far easier to grab onto a slogan. Regardless of your political leanings,
slogans work.
brilliant inspiration derives from the more complicated message. It seems to explain some things. Or maybe I had too much wine last night.
The real
message here has to do with the disappearance of the American Dream. In fact, I doubt that many people actually
hear those words these days. My baby
boomer generation grew up with tales of rags-to-riches business types. If those didn’t hold our attention, there
were still plenty of retirees around who were living just fine off their
savings and a social security supplement.
What always
fascinated me, though, were the stories of people who put their hearts and
souls into their small businesses and then one day sold them for a good sum of
money and retired to live a wonderful life in some nice tropical place. The hours of labor and the small salaries during
their working years paid off. Even more
plentiful were the stories of immigrants who took whatever menial job they
could find, saved carefully, raised children who became doctors and lawyers and
eventually retired to enjoy the rest of their lives with their grandchildren.
That was the
American Dream.
The Dream
disappeared during the past thirty or so years.
About five years ago I discovered that my business would not be worth
enough to allow me to sell it and retire.
There is no more capital gains reduction, no more income averaging. Selling a business has become complicated and
is worth a whole lot less than it used to be.
This led me
to realize something about the current generations going into the
workforce. Young people are being
educated. They are being encouraged and
they are being told that we need them.
They are not being given a Dream.
They see their working life as something that won’t be a joy. When we of my generation run into snags or
start getting burned out because of the long hours, we look ahead with some
small remainder of that wonderful Dream and say ‘Don’t stop now. Retirement will bring a great future.’
These days,
our children know that Social Security will be running out, that there is very little
profit sharing happening in companies and if there were, they’d be taxed to
death on it. Instead of working long and
hard for an employer, they are mobile, not loyal and they tend to see work as a
means to a pleasant trip, enough money for the weekend’s entertainment, or some
other personal pleasure. It is
absolutely no wonder that less effort is put into the day’s work.
It is no
surprise that we allow manufacturing to go overseas. I no longer wonder why I can’t find reliable
young people of U.S . origin who might be interested in the embroidery
business. It’s simple. I have nothing to offer but work. I can’t make them rich, give them a share of
a very slim profit, promise them the end of a rainbow. All I can do is tell them that we have
schedules to keep, minimums to produce and that we need to run fast to even pay
for ourselves. For them, there are easier
and better ways to make money. Machine
embroidery is no one’s passion.
and so many others do not deserve to be blamed for their attitudes. We tried to give them a work ethic. We forgot to tell them that there could be fun
at the end. Or in the middle. Instead we suggested that life pretty much
sucks these days.