Saturday, March 15, 2008

First comments

Okay, so why a blog? 

I think that we all have something to say.  Whether it is important or not remains to be seen.  In this particular blog, I want to chronicle our efforts as Team Mates, Inc. and how we are constantly changing and adapting to what we perceive to be 'modern' business needs and requirements.

I also have certain opinions. While they often will reflect certain moral values (hopefully), they are simply non-political, business-oriented thoughts regarding how we should, as an embroidery contractor, conduct ourselves. 

If you have read our history, you see how we've grown from a small retail store into the, um, giant contractor... okay, moderately sized but very willing decorator, that we are.  You probably also have seen that most of our growth has come through trial and error and through acquisition, sometimes at slightly overpriced payments. 

These days, though, we intend on growing through the addition of customers.  This is our hope and our desire.  We want to add more customers who believe in the values of service, reliability and trust that a job will be done when we agree that it will be done and delivered to you or your clients with pleasure and pride.  We want all of our work to be perfect. Well, okay, it IS embroidery.  We want it to be as good as you can get.  And we want you and your customers to be happy with the results. 

To this end, we have worked to improve our services, our order processing systems and the expertise of our staff.  That is what we offer.  Whether it makes a difference, whether it makes us better than our competitors can only be shown in your satisfaction. 

And yes, this part sounds like an advertisement. Mainly, that is because I believe in what we do. I believe thoroughly in our staff and most of all, I believe in the fact that we can be an outstanding, world class company. 

Hopefully you'll enjoy the writing as well.  It reflects the approach I have to our business and to life in general.

Thanks for reading.


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